Interview and Other Nice Things.

Hey there,

The good people at have done an interviewz with us.

Read it here

Ummmm BBC Leeds played us on this programme…

Melody Pond on KVRX, Univserity of Texas Radio, played Icarus Drunk in April and Ana Lucia in March.

N0ted /Sputnik gave us a lovely review (4.5/5) as did withguitars (8.8/10)

SPop said we were good as did Spotiferad.

and Indpenedentmusicnews said we were one of the top 50 independent/alternative acts in the world.

Here is Louis Armstrong:

Every Band We’ve Been Compared To In Print

Hey, you. Yes, you!

Want to know every band we’ve been compared to in print?


Well, tough.

bands 1bands 2