p4k No 12: Father John Misty – I Love You, Honeybear

Had I ever heard of them before: yes, yes, indie darling used to be a drummer in the Fleet Foxes (terrible band – terrible band name)

Reductive First Impression: I’m not going to be the first to say this and won’t be the last: Father John Misty’s a jerk.

Ok, so he is a witty, erudite, quotable lyricist but the tone that comes across the whole time is “I’m a  clever asshole and mostly everything’s terrible.” I couldn’t help but compare him to The Mountain Goats, who’s lyrics are equally clever but also evocative and have some empathy.

Musically the songs are… quite good. I can see why he used to be in Fleet Foxes and as I said, I dislike Fleet Foxes.

To quote Modest Mouse (another excellent lyricist) on Bukowski, “God, who’d  want to be such an asshole?”

Will I listen to it again: Probably and I’ll probably proclaim its genius and love his “character”.

p4k no 13: Joanna Newsom – Divers


Had I ever heard of them before: but of course, she’s Mrs Andy Samberg – who doesn’t know her?

Reductive First Impression: Well Joanna Newsom, I appreciate your talent and your use of archaic high fallutin’ poetry and your pretty melodies but but but I just haven’t been that into you since Milk Eyed Mender.

Plus this isn’t on spotify or youtube properly which is a pain.

Much bonus points for almost singing my name in Sapokanikan, but alas she sings John Purroy Mitchel. So close.

Will I listen to it again: I should. I should. I mean, I still need to get into Ys properly. God I’m lame.